This 2.5 hour online course is part 1 of Navigation Sports' Introduction to Orienteering Mapping course. In it, you will learn what you need to know to set up your first mapping project to modern mapping standards.
This module is mix of learning about foundational topics and tutorial-style practice. You will learn about a variety of topics that will make your first project (and all future projects) better, easier, and more rewarding while assembling your first project! Topics include:
* Instances of this course will focus either on OCAD or OOM.
The Using Open Orienteering Mapper or Using OCAD, Introduction to Fieldwork, and Laying out Your Map modules will allow you to take the project you start in this course to completion. See our course catalogue for more.
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email
Just want to thank you for the workshop last night. I feel much more confident about maybe being able to make some local park maps.
This 2.5 hour online course is part 2 of Navigation Sports' introdction to Orienteering Mapping course. In it, you will learn how to use the Open Orienteering Mapper drawing tools. Participants will spend the majority of the class practicing using the software.
In this module you will practice the following:
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email
This 2.5 hour online course is part 2 of Navigation Sports' Introduction to Orienteering Mapping course. In it, you will learn how to use OCAD's drawing tools. Participants will spend the majority of the class practicing using the software.
In this module you will practice the following:
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email
This 6 hour module will teach participants the basics of fieldwork. This module has both classroom and field components.
In this module you will practice the following:
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email
Every mapper has struggled with a map that for some reason doesn't align properly. Your different layers of base data aren't anywhere close to each other or you've shown up to do your fieldwork but your gps is several km from where it should be. This 2.5 hr course has been specifically designed to give you the knowledge to avoid these issues or troubleshoot them when they do arise. In the course you will learn all about coordinate reference systems, the earths magnetic field, declination, grid convergence, and grivation, and more.
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email
This 2.5 hour online course is part 4 of Navigation Sports' Introduction to Orienteering Mapping course. In it, you will practice adding new colours and symbols in the mapping software while adding key map elements to prepare your map for printing.
This module is set-up as a tutorial-style practice. Participants will also be provided with a take-away reference to use in future projects.
* Instances of this course will use either OCAD or OOM.
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email
This course takes place over four 3-hour sessions in the classroom. Each session covers a different aspect of drawing contours:
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email
This 6 hour outdoor class will show participants some timps and strategies to use when doing fieldwork in large areas of forest/wilderness.
In this class you will learn about the following:
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email
In this 2.5-hour course you will learn how to use Karttapullautin (KP) to generate smoothed contours which you can import and use directly in your map projects. In addition to contours you will also learn about other KP outputs such as vegetation and cliffs.
In the class will talk about the pros and cons of this method – namely that they are a great way to get started but are just that – a starting point if you’re willing to put the time in.
This course uses free software so is easily accessible to new mappers.
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email
This 3-hour course is all about using OCAD’s lidar processing wizard to turn raw lidar files into highly detailed base materials for orienteering mapping. Students will get a walk through of the tool and a chance to practice using it. The second half of the class will focus on learning how to interpret the various base material output by the lidar wizard.
Upcoming classes: There are no scheduled classes. If you would like to request a class, email